When intended to increase the production of sugar, it is usually possible to maintain the pumping stations and cooling equipment (spray tanks or cooling towers) without increasing its capacity by replacing multijet type condensers for more efficient condensers, barometric type.
Batch Vacuum Pan
The batch vacuum pans with technology and design from PROCKNOR ENGENHARIA seek the highest performance. They have been designed taking into consideration the possibility of using mechanical circulators in the future, which gives them great flexibility and opens the possibility of a capacity increase...
Continuous Vacuum Pan
The continuous vacuum pan are equipment manufactured in Brazil with technology from French company FIVES.
Evaporative Condenser
Evaporative condenser is an indirect heat exchanger, which means that the heat exchange is done initially through a metal surface, where the heat exchange is done through direct contact between the vapour to be condensed and water from the cooling system.
Falling Film Evaporator
The falling film evaporators are equipment manufactured in Brazil with technology from French company FIVES.
Geladinho Fermentation Cooling System
The absorption cycle is a continuous process, using heat sources of low quality (temperatures between 80C and 100C) to ensure maintenance of a given refrigerator cycle. The absorption chillers produce chilled water in the range of 15C to 22C using as primary energy sources available in the plant, su...
Heavy Shredder
The heavy shredders are equipment manufactured in Brazil with technology from French company FIVES.
Magma Conditioner
The price paid for sugar produced also depends on its CV (coefficient of variation) that informs the uniformity of size of the crystals. A low CV is formed from the seed production in the lab to the boiling process of masses A, B and C.
Massecuite Reheater
The massecuite reheaters are equipment manufactured in Brazil with technology from French company FIVES (Fletcher Smith).
Mechanical Stirrer for Vacuum Pans
The mechanical stirrers are equipment developed with technology from PROCKNOR ENGENHARIA and manufactured by SEMCO.
Molasse Dilution System
In order to have a well conducted boling an stable and available source of sucrose without crystals in order to allow an uniform grain formation during the production of the massecuite.
MultiSAT Evaporator
The PROCKNOR ENGENHARIA multi-satellite evaporator, the MultiSAT, was developed according the most strict safety standards and ease of operation. The operation is fully automated, with natural juice circulation and compared to the Robert type evaporators, in terms of cleaning process security, the M...
Multitube Dryer-Cooler
The multitube dryer-cooler are equipment manufactured in Brazil with technology from French company FIVES, these equipment are designed for drying and cooling raw, refined and white sugar with capacities from 25 up to 150 t/h.
Rising Film Evaporator
The single pass evaporators are equipment manufactured in Brazil with technology from French company FIVES.
Stirrer for Fermentation System
The stirrers SEMCO-PROCKNOR were especially studied and designed to be used in fermentation systems, seeking to utilize the vast experience of SEMCO and PROCKNOR ENGENHARIA in the design of agitation systems with high efficiency and low power consumption.
Trayless Clarifier
The new line of second generation clarifiers has several models, with capacities ranging from 250 t/h to 1000 t/h of juice. Special models can be custom designed.
Vertical Crystalizer
The vertical crystallizers are equipment manufactured in Brazil with technology from French company FIVES.